Farm Forum with the Agricultural Commission

Event Date: 
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 6:30pm

The AgComm is planning a "Farm Forum" on Wednesday Jan. 11 at 6:30 - 8:00 pm at the Southwick Public Library. The purpose of the forum is to have a conversation so the commission can better connect with the Southwick farm community and see what we might be able to do to help you.  

One possibility:  How about an Open Farm Day? Like the one in Granby CT recently, the goal would be to promote your farms and your products, host activities or demonstrations where possible, and of course to have some fun. There wouldn't be any cost for participating farms.

Another possibility: Can we help connect you with grant opportunities?

Hopefully, many more possibilities will be discovered!

Please join us at the forum! Desserts and beverages will be provided. If you want to attend, please RSVP.