Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 6, 2016
OPENING: The regular scheduled meeting of the Conservation Commission opened at 7:00 p.m.  Attendance is as follows:
Christopher Pratt, Chairman
Frank Soleimani, Commissioner
Seth Kellogg, Vice Chairman
Mehmet Mizanoglu, Commissioner
Marcus Phelps, Commissioner
Dave Mac Williams, Commissioner
Brian Drenen, Commissioner
7:00    Christopher Pratt, Chairman opened the meeting.         


Commissioner Phelps made a motion to accept the minutes of 051616.  Commissioner Mizanoglu seconded the motion.  None opposed, motion passed unanimously.


7:10 587 College Highway – Proposed Parking lot repaving
George Zantouliadis
Chairman Pratt opened the hearing by reading the public notice as posted in the Westfield News.  Mr. Zantouliadis explained the plans for repaving, fixing the catch basins, and adding plantings around the edge bordering Anson’s Nursery.  There are some existing invasive plants that will be removed.   The catch basins will stay in the same location, but will be upgraded for better functionality.  Mr. Zantouliadis is also working with the Southwick DPW on the project.   Commissioner Mac Williams made a motion for a negative determination.  Commissioner Kellogg seconded the motion.  None opposed, motion passed unanimously.  
Hearing Closed 7:18


7:20    256 College Highway – Proposed upgrade to sewer gravity collection / proposed expansion of parking area
Chairman Pratt opened the continuation of the hearing.  Coordinator Clark stated that Mrs. LaFrance requested a return of the $10,000.00 bond from her last Order of Conditions that is now completed.  As of this meeting, there was no enforcement order from DEP on the sewer gravity collection proposal as was reported to the Commission by Bucky Sparkle at the previous meeting.  Commissioner Phelps made a motion to close the Hearing.  Commissioner Mac Williams seconded the motion.  None opposed, motion passed unanimously.  Commissioner Mac Williams made a motion to approve the transfer the bond of $10,000.00, along with the normal conditions, for the NOI for the sewer gravity extension.  Commissioner Phelps seconded the motion.  None opposed, motion passed unanimously.  


7:25    67 & 67R Tannery Road – Proposed single family home
John Goddard, R. Levesque Associates, Inc.
Chester Sulborski


Chairman Pratt opened the continuation of the hearing.  Mr. Goddard presented a plan showing the location of the proposed dwelling at 280 feet outside of the buffer zone.  There will be an area to the rear of the dwelling to be cleared for plantings of wild flowers and for an open view.  Protection will be added to the catch basin during construction to prevent any material from entering the wetland. Commissioner Phelps made a motion for a positive determination on the delineation of the wetlands and a negative determination of the work with conditions. Commissioner Mizanoglu seconded the motion.  None opposed, motion passed unanimously.  


7:45    41 & 51 John Mason Road – Disc golf facility
Commissioner Mac Williams made a motion to grant a continuance of the hearing.  Commissioner Mizanoglu seconded the motion.  None opposed, motion passed unanimously.  


7:50    625 College Highway – proposed expansion of a parking area – John Goddard from R. Levesque submitted a request to withdraw the NOI without prejudice.  Commissioner Mizanoglu made a motion to accept the withdrawal.  Commissioner Kellogg seconded the motion.   None opposed, motion passed unanimously.


7:55    152 Berkshire Avenue – Proposed vista pruning and tree removal
Mr. Christopher Pratt


Mr. Pratt recused himself as Chairman of the Conservation Commission prior to the opening of the continuation of the hearing.  Vice Chairman Kellogg, acting as Chairman, opened the continuation of the hearing.  A site visit was conducted at the location and the trees to be removed were marked on a plan.  Commissioner Phelps will return to the property to mark each tree that is being removed with paint.  Stumps, other than the hemlock trees, will be ground.  Commissioner Mac Williams made a motion for a negative determination based on Commissioner Phelps and Commissioner Kellogg marking the trees on site prior to their removal.  Commissioner Mizanoglu seconded the motion.   None opposed, motion passed unanimously.


21 Lakeview Street  Informal Request for Certificate of Compliance by Jon Goddard from R. Levesque. Coordinator Clark stated that the Order of Conditions relative to the operations and maintenance plan have not been met.  The property owner is requesting a Certificate of Compliance prior to the sale of the dwelling. There is a $5,000.00 bond on the property that will be held until the operations and maintenance plan are filed with the deed.    The site is stabilized with the exception of some 1 gallon size shrubs that have been damaged. The Commissioners denied issuing a C of C until all conditions are satisfied.  A site visit will be conducted prior to the next scheduled meeting after a Request for Certificate of Compliance is submitted.


237 Hillside Road   Coordinator Clark stated that a garage at this location was built within the 50 foot buffer area of bordering vegetated wetlands without the proper wetland permits in place. Karl Stinehart and Town Counsel Ben Coyle have made a request for a site visit. The property owner stated in an email any one that he would not allow Coordinator Clark to enter the property even though the Order of Conditions state that members and agent of the Conservation Commission are allowed on site. The Commission members were in agreement that if Coordinator Clark was not permitted on the property, they would not attend a site visit.


Deed Restriction Kudlic Brothers   Kudlic is continuing to work with the multi deed owners on the Deed Restriction.


North Pond Land Grant   Coordinator Clark stated that there is a need for a new appraisal to apply for the Self Help Grant.  There are funds in the budget to hire an appraiser.  The property will have access from the water and will be a passive recreation area.  Commissioner Mizanoglu made a motion to proceed using Consultant and Land Maintenance funds with contracting an appraiser.  Commissioner MacWilliams seconded the motion.  None opposed, motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Norman Cass, Forster Road, attended the meeting to discuss a drainage issue on his property.  The neighbors are clearing land causing water to erode the soil.  Mr. Cass has a plan to insert an underwater pipe with shut off valves that will allow for drainage to be diverted and for cleaning his pond.  Commissioner Mac Williams made a motion to conduct a site visit on the property on June 8th at 5:30.  Commissioner Phelps seconded the motion.  None opposed, motion passed unanimously.


Commissioner Mac Williams made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:17.  Commissioner Phelps seconded the motion.  None opposed, motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,
Jean Nilsson, Secretary