Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 4, 2016


Chris Pratt
Dennis» Clark
Frank Soleimani
Seth Kellogg
Mehmet Mizanoglu
Marcus Phelps
Dave MacWilliams
Brian Drenen


7:00    Chairman Pratt opened the meeting.


7:01    December 7th Meeting Minutes Reviewed
Commissioner Soleimani made motion to accept the revised minutes. Commissioner Pratt seconded the motion. Motion Passed, Minutes Accepted.


7:03    American Legion Update
It was reported by Coordinator Clark that the Legion signed a contract with GZA to correct environmental issues, and will be submitted to the Conservation Commission.


7:07    Randy Brown, Request for amendment to OOC for Feeding Hills Rd. Project.
Widening of existing culvert shown on sketch. Work of land under water initially identified as 120 sq. feet, and changed to a total of 520 sq. feet. Commissioner Phelps made a motion to amend the OOC. Commissioner Pratt seconded the motion. None opposed, Motion Passed.  


7:11    RDA 101 Point Grove Rd.
New modular dock system proposed. John Goddard, R. Levesque present for overview of project, representing Jennifer Nolasco, present. Presented removable dock system at last meeting, will be removed on an annual basis. Reconfiguration Zone under Ch. 91, dock will be permitted under Ch. 91. Minor revision is related to the layout. Stem has been shifted over. 20 ft..  Alignment moved west to better align with swath, will decrease aquatic disturbance. No disturbance of shrubs in transition to shore. In front of deck, vegetation has been maintained at lower level. In front of parking area, vegetation has been previously mowed. Revised plan suggests any maintenance must have conservation filing.  Not looking to cut anything more than what has already been maintained. No change to cement walkway, but want to continue to maintain the area. Conservation Commission wants to know to what extent the maintenance will be at, need some sort of measurability. If above maintained line, a BVW has not been identified. Would like to see wetland vegetation on plan. Commissioner Clark discussed having a sign to at the edge the vegetation. Because of glitch, will need to re-advertise, continue to next meeting. Continuance Signed.


7:28    NOI 625 College Highway
J. Goddard present, R. Levesque. Scheduled to speak with board of appeals next week. Continuance approved and signed.


7:30    EO 237 Hillside Rd, Lot 12
Roughly 2,000 sq. ft. disturbance in 50’ buffer zone, 16-1700 for utility line in 50’ buffer. Seeking permission to clear and grub upland areas, up to 40 ft from BVW. Coordinator Clark stated that the property must be delineated and approved by the Commission and a NOI be filed before any additional clearing occurs. If the applicant proposes to grow blueberries an NRCS Conservation Plan should be submitted. It was advised that the Enforcement Order needed to be rectified before a NOI is submitted for additional work. The consultant needs an acceptable way to enhance the buffer area while protecting the BVW from any impacts from the garage in the buffer area.


7:41    Deed Restriction Kudlic Bros.
No paperwork has been submitted for review as of yet. Stabilization of the stream crossing needs to be approved by the DEP. The Commission is waiting to hear from the DEP before release of the Enforcement Order.


7:43    Land Management Committee
Ask if same people want to be on it, advertise for others involved. Chair Pratt and Commissioner Kellogg would like to serve on the Committee.


7:45    Dumping of Trash at Granville Gorge
Discussed gate to be locked in winter. SOSPC had been taking care of this issue in the past. Call police Dept. and ask to have locked.


7:47    Sofinowski & Loupinski
Land Maintenance issues, bridge has holes in it. Loupinsky trash is to be cleaned up on Tuesday.


7:48    Community Garden
Soils looks at Sofinowski Preserve. Coordinator Clark suggested that the Agricultural Commission get the word out to find out how many residents are interested in plots, and volunteering. The Garden should be part of Land Management Advisory Committee preview.


7:49    Declan O’Donnell Internship
Discussed organizing LPP paperwork, other ideas. Ch. 61 work discussed as well.


7:59    Commissioner Phelps made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Commissioner Pratt seconded the motion. None opposed, motion passed, meeting adjourned.