CPC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
John Whalley III, Chair
Patrick Roche
Chris Pratt
Karen Reed
David Gunn
Karen Demaio
Dennis Clark, Consultant
Marcus Phelps, Vice Chair
Robert K Johnson
Bob Horacek
Mr. Whalley officially opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. He welcomed back Chris Pratt to the Committee.
7:01 pm
A MOTION was made by Mr. Gunn and seconded by Mrs. Reed to accept the minutes of November 4, 2016 as amended. The motion passed with a majority with Mr. Horacek abstaining.    
7:02 pm
There was no mail.
7:03 pm
Mr. Whalley asked the two young men sitting in the audience why they were present. They responded that they were required to attend a Town open meeting for a wetlands course.
7:10 pm
Protocol for notification letter and payment process
Mr. Phelps has done some research on how some CPC communities process the funding of projects after the funding has been approved. He handed out copies of a possible procedure for the Committee to review (SEE ATTACHMENT A).  Questions asked where:
How Funds were awarded. How contracts were processed by the Town Accountant. Has the work been completed? Expenditure Invoices.   
7:20 pm
North Pond
Mr. Whalley requested that a meeting with the Finance Committee meeting be set for a discussion of the North Pond Project. Some Committee members discussed the appraisal of the North Pond property.

7:40 pm
CPA Project Submission Packet
Mr. Phelps presented a copy of the CPC selection Criteria recommendations for some changes for the Committee to review.
7:50 pm
Community Preservation Plan
A document was given to the Committee to review possible areas of focus for future CPC projects. A question was asked as to where is it best for the Town to spend CPC funds. Mr. Whalley expressed an opinion that such a plan was not needed. No further action planned.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 7:00 pm. in the Land Use Hearing Room.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Roche and seconded by Mrs. Reed to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm. The motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Preston
Administrative Assistant - CPC