BOA Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 25, 2016
Attendees:  Paul Grégoire, William Lis, Chris Mastroianni and Thomas Stapleton


Absent:  David Methe


7:00 PM   The Chairman opened the meeting.  Meeting Minutes were reviewed and
Mr. Stapleton made a motion to approve minutes, with modification, and Mr. Mastroianni second.


7:15 PM   51 Lakemont Street


Mr. Molin submitted a letter of continuance to the Board.  The meeting will be continued until March 14, 2016.  The Chairman, Paul Grégoire, signed the continuance and Mr. Mastroianni made a motion to accept and Mr. Stapleton second.


7:30 PM  Upcoming Business


The Board reviewed the application for 6 Iroquois Drive.  The applicant wants to add an addition to existing home.


7:45 PM  Mr. Mastroianni made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Stapleton second, all were in favor and the meeting was closed


Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Grégoire