CPC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Dennis Clark, Vice Chair
Chris Pratt,
Patrick Roche
Karen Reed
David Gunn
Joe Ballard
Jeannie Waldren
Robert K Johnson
Mr. Clark officially opened the meeting at 6:30 pm


6:30 pm
Mr. Clark said there was no mail.
6:35 pm
A MOTION was made by Mr. Pratt and seconded by Mrs. Reed to accept the minutes of March 31, 2016.The motion passed unanimously. 
6:35 pm
454 College Highway - Cemetery Commission
Project Application
Mr. Clark said the Historical Commission has submitted an Application for 454 College Highway for a replacement fence for the historic section of the Southwick Cemetery. Mr. Gunn said Mr. Hamberg and Ellen Miles were also representing the Historical Commission. Diane Mason said representing the Commentary Commission are Diane Mason-Arnold and Wendell Phillips (Bud). Mr. Clark said the SelectBoard has saved the warrant article in case it is approved at this meeting. Mr. Gunn said the Historical Society approached the Commission request financial assistance to replace the fence around the old cemetery which is falling apart and not able to be repaired. He said the fence is about 400 to 450 feet long. He said he was asking if they could get CPC funds for the fence replacement. He said there are ample funds in the CPC Historical Fund. He said they wanted to replace the fence with something not of wood because it would last longer, need less maintenance and would be ecstatically pleasing. He said the CPC funding application is requesting $30,000. Mr. Hamberg said the fence must look like the old fence as much as is reasonable. Mr. Phillips showed a section of vinyl fence. Mr. Clark said he did not like the vinyl. He said the proposal indicated some kind of aluminum with a powder finish and will look like the original. Mr. Clark reminded those present that if the cost of the fence comes under $30,000 the remainder of the funds must be returned to the CPC.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Gunn and seconded by Mr. Roche to accept the application for 454 College Highway to replace the fence around the Historic Cemetery with $30,000 to be taken from the CPC Historic Fund. The motion passed unanimously.


A MOTION was made by Mr. Pratt and seconded by Mr. Roche too adjourn the meeting 6:45 pm                


Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Preston
Administrative Assistant - CPC