Report of the Planning Board 2008

The Planning Board consists of five volunteer members, who are elected to a five-year term, as well as an associate member that is appointed annually by the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board. They are responsible for long range planning and studies to ensure optimal land use and zoning within the Town and to ensure that the residents live in a safe and healthy environment. Administratively, they do this through the review of plans for the division of land and both residential and commercial developments. Additionally, they grant Special Permits for land uses including estate lots, business and industrial uses, flexible residential developments, projects located over the Wellhead Protection District and wireless communication facilities. The Planning Board also reviews site plans for large additions to existing businesses and new signs.
In 2008, Doug Moglin was re-elected to a second 5 year term on the Board. Mr. Moglin was re-elected as the Board’s Chairperson, and Roz Terry was elected Vice Chairperson. Cal Chunglo, Saviero “Sam” Santaniello, and Robert Johnson constitute the remaining elected members. Richard Utzinger was re-appointed as our Associate Member. Marcus Phelps is the Town Planner, and is a valuable resource for the Board and the public in Town Hall. Ruth Preston continues to serve as the Planning Board Secretary.
In the past year, the Board held 21 public hearings, ranging on issues from commercial development, to residential subdivisions, to zone changes. The Planning Board has also commenced a comprehensive review of Southwick’s zoning, by dedicating the first meeting of each month to focus on issues that require zoning bylaw or regulation changes. Current efforts are focused on the Agriculture and Conservation Zone, Industrial Zone, signs, building design standards, accessory structures, and off street parking.
The State is expected to take up and review the Land Use Partnership Act (LUPA). If LUPA becomes law, cities and towns throughout the Commonwealth will need to review and update their master plans. Southwick’s Master Plan, from 1997, is in need of an update.
The Southwick Center Revitalization Committee, a sub-committee of the Board, has continued its efforts to work with Southwick business owner’s to improve the appearance of their business, and continues to work closely with DPW and Mass Highway regarding the upcoming 10/202 reconstruction program that is scheduled to commence in 2009.
Marcus Phelps, our Town Planner, serves as an Alternate Commissioner on the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and is a member of the Valley Development Council. He provides technical support to the Planning Board in processing land use applications, zone changes and bylaw revisions and drafts Special Permit and Definitive Subdivision Plan decisions
In 2008, he reviewed and prepared information memoranda on projects including the Southwick Inn and Walt’s Garage, Williamsburg Estates subdivision, Tractor Supply Company store, three industrial sites on Hudson Drive and Whalley Way, Stone Wall Estates Preliminary Subdivision, the Phase 2 Sewer Program, Westfield Gas & Electric natural gas facility, and CVS Pharmacy store. Also, he prepared the FY 2009 Commonwealth Capital score application for the Town of Southwick.
The Planning Board meets at 7:00 PM Tuesday evenings at Town Hall, in the Land Use Hearing Room on the second floor. Public attendance and input at Planning Board meetings are always welcome. The meeting schedule and office hours can be obtained by calling 569-6056. Minutes and agendas are posted to the Town website.
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Moglin, Chairperson
Roz Terry, Vice Chairperson
Cal Chunglo
Sam Santaniello
Robert Johnson
Marcus Phelps, Town Planner
Ruth Preston, Secretary