Report of the Conservation Commission 2008

The Southwick Conservation Commission’s mission continues to serve as the conservation conscience of the Town of Southwick, providing leadership for natural resources planning. The Commission works to protect, and where possible, enhance plant and wildlife habitat to maintain Southwick’s natural resources.
The year of 2008 has been another busy year for the Commission. Resulting from the scarcity of high and dry properties more of the previously considered undevelopable properties are now being reconsidered for development. With the lack of Planning Board regulations regarding subdividing of lots, and the State of Massachusetts Approval Not Required law, the burden falls on the Commission to keep the developers honest.
We have seven dedicated Commissioners. The Commission re-elected Christopher J. Pratt as Chair, and Seth Kellogg as Vice-Chair, for their fifth year as chair and vice-chair. The commission welcomed two new members in 2008. Marian Duggan-Marcos replaced Albert Deloreto and Beverly Faulds replaced Mike Krawiec. Mike resigned from the Commisson after serving for 12 years never missing a meeting. Marian and Beverly are valuable replacements combining their enthusiasm for learning the Wetlands Protection Act, and love of the environment. Rick Solek has advanced as the Commissions wetland replication czar. Mehmet Mizanoglu a PHD, and David Stansbury a Photographer, continue to serve as dedicated seasoned members of the Commission. The member who has been on the Commission the longest, Seth Kellogg, continues to add his common sense and vast knowledge and experience to the meetings.
The Commission continues in their efforts to work with the Lake Management Committee in monitoring the yearly, exceptionally successful, treatment of the Lakes for exotic invasives. The Commission has spent another year working with the LMC and DEP in getting the Local Permitting Process in place to replace the onerous Chapter 91 process for permitting residential docks. When the LPP is finally adopted all of the fees collected will go exclusively into a lake fund to improve the quality of life on the lake.
In 2008 the Commission added to their marker buoys program to protect additional valuable ecological areas while providing information to boaters that the areas indicated are ecologically sensitive.
The Commission worked again this year with Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and the Southwick DPW, applying for a third 319 Grant to correct road storm water runoff problems that have been a major pollutant to the Lakes for many years. This years 319 Grant is concentrating on the North Pond problem erosion areas.
The SCC and the Open Space Planning Committee completed a successful Goose Pond Gravel Pit Turtle Area restoration this year. Unfortunately some of the area has already sustained damage from trespassing recreational vehicle operators. The Commission continues lacking successful enforcement with the no-motorized vehicles law on Town Conservation Properties. Until policies are established and enforced the ecological devastation resulting from the recreational vehicle abuse will continue. Our hopes are that phase one of the Rail Trail will be completed in 2009 providing non-motorized access, cutting down on the unauthorized recreational vehicle trespassing that has been occurring for many years in this area destroying the terrain and environment.
The Southwick Wetland Regulations are constantly being revised as new scientific data is presented that changes the needs for wetland and resource protection. The Commission is concentrating on enforcing local Wetland Law regulations. The Department of Environmental Protection has not been providing effective support regarding enforcement issues leaving the Commission to rely on the Selectmen for their continuing support prosecuting offenders.
The Commission oversees an eleven member Open Space Planning Committee. The Southwick Open Space Planning Committee under the Chair of John Stadnicki continues seeking and receiving grant monies to manage the eleven Conservation Commission managed lands.
The Commission continues to work with the Community Preservation Committee in acquiring Agricultural Preservation Restrictions to help protect some of the remaining farmland in perpetuity. In 2008 the Commission is working on APR’s for the Nascimbeni farm on College Highway and the Coward farm on Mort Vining Road.
The SCC working with the DPW purchased a sub-foot Trimble GeoExplorer 2008 series.
This GPS will be a great addition to our ESRI ARCView 9.3 mapping program.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher J. Pratt, Chairman
Seth Kellogg, Vice Chair
Mehmet Mizanoglu
Richard Solek
Marian Duggan-Marcos
David Stansbury
Beverly Faulds
Dennis Clark, Coordinator
Jean Cass, Office Support