Report of the Board of Selectmen

2010 Activity in the Board of Selectmen’s Office continued to address difficult economic times for our community and our families. All departments were required to submit budgets with substantial cuts while ensuring the delivery of services.

The Selectmen engaged the School District in their budget process to ensure our children received the best possible education while making cost effective decisions.

We saw the completion of the South Longyard Culvert Construction Project. Phase I of the Rail/Trail was officially opened and was immediately welcomed by hundreds of users. Phase II will be open in spring of 2011. The Park and Recreation Commission along with Conservation Commission and the Department of Public Works will be implementing measures to ensure a great experience for all users.

The Board assisted in gaining permits for the construction of Whalley Park which may be gifted to the Town in the future. Preliminary discussions relative to acquisitions, operations have begun. Town residents will have the opportunity to weigh in perhaps as early as the Fall of 2011.

Congamond Lake users saw additional lake patrols at the request of residents. This was partially the result of funding for extra patrols made possible by the newly implemented Lake Permitting Program, and a commitment by Police Chief Krynicki. The Selectmen continue to evaluate lake issues with the Conservation Commission, Lake Management and the Harbormaster to ensure a safe and healthy experience for all.

Selectmen continued to address possible funding opportunities for the planned Senior Center addition as well as for a Phase II Sewer Parallel Interceptor line extension to Westfield.

Our Emergency Medical Services saw the addition of a second full time EMT (Emergency Medical Technician). The Board expects an immediate improvement in emergency response to our ever increasing demand for ambulance services.

The Board remains committed to improving our quality of life and helping our citizens achieve their aspirations and goals.

Reductions in Federal and State Aid with ever increasing costs will continue to focus the Board on a conservative approach to finance, supported by thoughtful planning.

As always, we are receptive to citizen input and ideas. We welcome participation at all levels, and look forward to working with the many citizen boards, committees, commissions and groups.

We extend our thanks to many volunteers and staff who contribute their valuable time and innovation which is what makes Southwick such a great place to live.

A special THANKS to Karl, Cindy, Robin and Gail.

Respectfully submitted,

Arthur G. Pinell, Chairman
David A. St. Pierre, Vice-Chairman
Nicholas Boldyga, Clerk