Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, May 15, 2017
OPENING: The regular scheduled meeting of the Conservation Commission opened at 7:00 p.m.  Attendance is as follows:
Christopher Pratt, Chairman
Seth Kellogg, Vice Chairman
Frank Soleimani, Commissioner
Mehmet Mizanoglu Commissioner
Dave MacWilliams Commissioner
Brian Drenen    Commissioner
Brian Pranka Commissioner
Dennis Clark, Coordinator
7:04    Seth Kellogg, Vice Chairman, opened the meeting.
Commissioner Pranka made a motion to accept the minutes of 05/01/17.  Commissioner Drenen seconded the motion.  None opposed, the motion passed unanimously.
Boy scout Master Bryan Kantor opened the presentation by thanking the members of the Conservation Commission for their assistance in completing the Eagle projects by Noah Kantor and Ben Gerow.  Noah Kantor’s project was to re-blaze trails, re-marking signs and repairing the bridge.  There were large logs that needed to be removed in sections of the trails at the Sofonowski Land Preserve.  
Ben Gerow constructed 20 blue bird houses, 14 of which were placed on the Sofonowski Land Preserve.  Each of the bird houses needed to be placed in pairs of 2, 30 feet apart from each other to ensure the birds maintain enough space for their territory. Commissioner Seth Kellogg, renowned birder, affirmed and approved the construction and placement of the houses. The Boy Scouts worked in teams to complete each project with an estimated 104 man hours.
Noah Kantor and Ben Gerow both received Certificates of Appreciation from the Conservation Commission and were applauded for their efforts.  
Mr. Jon Goddard, R. Levesque Associates
7:26 48 Sheep Pasture Road NOI  Chairman Pratt opened the continuation of the Public Hearing.
Mr. Goddard explained that the driveway was kept as far away from the Riverfront as possible, but a portion of the driveway is still within the 200’ jurisdiction. Any proposed future “clean-up” work in the river front area will be presented to the Commission before proceeding.  The Commissioners reviewed the plan, and there were no comments from attendees.
Vice Chairman Kellogg made a motion to close the public hearing at 7:31.  Commissioner Mizanoglu seconded the motion.  None opposed, the motion passed unanimously.
Vice Chairman Kellogg made a motion to accept the project as proposed.  Commissioner MacWilliams seconded the motion.  None opposed, the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Randy Brown, DPW Director
7:36 Congamond Road Project - NOI  Chairman Pratt opened the Public Hearing by reading the notice as posted in the Westfield News on 4/24/17.  Mr. Brown filed a Notice of Intent on behalf of the Town for work on Congamond Road in conjunction with Mass DOT.  The roadway will remain as two lanes, but there will be a sidewalk and a bicycle lane installed.  Mr. Brown also noted that the DEP is working with Tighe & Bond for storm water drainage in front of 120 Congamond Road.  A culvert will be extended and enforced with a concrete wall.  There are wetlands on both sides that may or may not connect with an intermittent stream, there will be no new discharge into the lake.  Mr. Brown stated that the project is not subject to local bylaws as the reconstruction is being financed by the State DOT.  Once the project is complete, there can be no new disruption of the roadway for a period of five years. A DEP file number has not been issued yet for the project.
Chairman Pratt made a motion to approve continuing the public hearing until June 5th.  Commissioner MacWilliams seconded the motion.  None opposed, the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Jon Goddard, R. Levesque Associates, Inc.
32 Sam West Road - NOI   Mr. Goddard was advised that a letter had been issued to the Zoning Board of Appeals from the Conservation Commission supporting the request for a variance on this property. Continuation of hearing requested and approved.
86 Point Grove Road   Mr. Jones, property owner, submitted a design of the new dock as requested.  However, the plans did not show a twenty foot setback, and the distance of the docks to the channel that will need to be clarified.  A copy of the design will be sent to the Harbor Master and LMC.
107 Point Grove Road  Enforcement Order. Mr. Goddard presented a plan depicting the areas of disturbance. The plan appeared to coincide with the violation areas observed in the field. A remediation and restoration plan will be submitted at the next Conservation meeting for review. The Commissioners agreed to extend the EO deadlines until the next meeting.
Intern Application  Coordinator Clark presented an application from Shanice Raschilla for a position as an intern for the summer.  Chairman Pratt made a motion to issue a letter to the Select Board requesting the approval of an intern for the Conservation Commission.  Commissioner MacWilliams seconded the motion.  None opposed, the motion passed unanimously.  
642 College Highway  Mr. Jon Goddard stated that the property renter is working on a contract for the disturbed areas with R. Levesque & Associates.  Mr. Edward and Mrs. Wendy Gaunt attended the meeting to discuss issues taking place on the site.  Mr. & Mrs. Gaunt stated that there is work in the buffer area between their car repair/sales business and Tree 413.  It appears that Mr. Joseph Alexopoulos, business owner, is in violation of the Special Permit issued by the Planning Board for the use of the property.  According to Mr. & Mrs. Gaunt, trees have been cut that prevented water erosion, the shared driveway is being blocked by commercial vehicles, and the wetland area has vehicle activity.  The Conservation Commission stated that a certified letter has been issued to Mr. Alexopoulos and the property owners.  R. Levesque & Associates are working with Mr. Alexopoulos to delineate the wetlands.  
5 Kline Road  Coordinator Clark stated that there has been no change at this location.
27 Eagle Street  Coordinator Clark reported that the silt fencing is in place for stabilization.
North Pond Project  Coordinator Clark stated that a proposal is on a Warrant Article for the Annual Town Meeting.      
Commissioner MacWilliams made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.  Commissioner Mizanoglu seconded the motion.  None opposed, the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean Nilsson, Secretary