SIC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
OPENING:  The regular scheduled meeting of the Sewer Implementation Committee opened at 6:00 p.m.  The following members were in attendance:
Jerry Patria, Chairman
Randy Brown, Vice Chairman
Brian Pranka
Freda Brown
Art Pinell
Mr. Pinell made a motion to accept the minutes of September 13, 2016.  Mrs. Brown seconded the motion.  None opposed, the motion passed unanimously.




The SIC members received a copy of a potential warrant article for a Special Town Meeting to be held in December.  The article is for an appropriation of $3,780,000.00 for design and construction of sewer lines in the Congamond Road area.  This will be in conjunction of the DOT reconstruction project.  Once the road is dug up, a dry sewer line could be installed with the new water line.  It may never be possible to install a dry sewer line if it is not installed in conjunction with the road reconstruction.  Mr. Brown stated that the MassWorks Grant was not approved, but may be available in 2017.  In the event the dry sewer line is installed, the residents will not be assessed a betterment until such time as the line is actually connected to the main public sewer line.  Also, residents will not be mandated to connect until they have a Title 5 failure.  
The SIC members discussed changing the warrant article proposed by the SelectBoard to only secure funding for the dry sewer line at an estimated cost of $870,000.00.  Funding may be obtained through long term borrowing.  Additional sewer connections may impact current users as an increase in connections that contribute to the main sewer line could lower the maintenance cost as they would be spread out among more users.  Reconstruction of Congamond Road should begin in the summer or late fall on 2017.  Soils in the Congamond Road area may have an impact on an increased cost of replacing septic systems.   Ms. Brown made a motion to recommend that the SelectBoard change the proposed Warrant Article to install a dry sewer line only at the estimated cost of $870,000.00.  Mr. Brown seconded the motion.
Mr. Patria – no
Mr. Pranka – no
Mr. Pinell – no
However, Mr. Pinell made an motion to make an addendum to the motion to include that the dry sewer line proposal be paid for by the current public sewer system users only, and not be part of the general taxation.  Ms. Brown seconded the motion.
Mr. Pranka abstained from the vote
Mr. Patria – yes
Mr. Pinell - yes
The amended motion passed by a majority of the Committee.
A Public Hearing will be held on November 29th at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.  Mr. Brown will create hand outs for the public.


106 Berkshire Avenue Mr. Brown stated that the property was a vacant lot that was assessed at .75 of an EDU, but a stub was never installed at the property line.  There is a potential sale of the land in progress, however, the new potential owner would like to be able to connect to the public sewer system.  Mr. Brown stated that a connection can be made through a gravity line into the manhole at Field Street.  The Town will need to construct a stub as a betterment was assessed and has been paid on the property.


156 Berkshire Avenue Mr. Brown stated that the property has been abandoned for a period of time and the owners have not maintained the dwelling.  During the installation of the public sewer system, access to install a stub needed to go through a neighboring property.  Negotiations between the two property owners were never resolved, and the stub was not installed.  The potential new owner would like to connect to the sewer system.  Mr. Brown will work with the potential purchaser to determine how a sewer connection can be made.


Lakewood Village Apartments Mr. Brown stated that there has been no decision from the SelectBoard concerning the recommendation from the SIC issued on September 15th to assess the betterment payout thought the life span of Phase I.    The SIC members were of the opinion that the project may not go forward unless the Town can come to a mutually beneficial agreement with Ms. Thayer, owner of Lakewood Village Apartments.


Mr. Brown stated that the Planning Board is placing a Warrant Article to allow mixed usage un BR (Business Restricted) zones.  The SIC will need to include a provision in the EDU table to accommodate potential usages.


Mr. Brown stated that the American Inn in under a constraint order from DEP to either connect to a public sewer line or construct an on site treatment plant.  The owners would like to install a dedicated sewer line directly into the Westfield sewer pipe.  However, Mr. Brown stated that an discussions would need to be conducted through the Mayor’s Office of Westfield and the Select Board members of Southwick.  The IMA (Inter Municipal Agreement) may need to be amended and the size of the sewer pipe in Westfield will need to be determined to ensure accommodations for construction.  


Mr. Pranka made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.  Mrs. Brown seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous in favor.


Respectfully submitted,


Jean Nilsson, Secretary