SIC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
OPENING:  The regular scheduled meeting of the Sewer Implementation Committee opened at 6:00 p.m.  The following members were in attendance:
Jerry Patria, Chairman
Randy Brown, Vice Chairman
Brian Pranka
Freda Brown
Art Pinell
Mr. Pinell made a motion to accept the minutes of November 9, 2016.  Mr. Brown seconded the motion.  None opposed, the motion passed unanimously.
The SIC members were presented with the fiscal year 2018 budget.  There is only one line item for supplies.  The budget will be submitted at a 5% decrease, level funded, and a 5% increase.  Mr. Pinell made a motion to approve the budget.  Mr. Brown seconded the motion.  None opposed, the motion passed unanimously.
The SIC received a request from the Planning Board to contribute to a new copier.  There is $385.00 in the fiscal year 2017 supply budget that has not been used.  Mr. Pinell made a motion to forward the line item amount to help fund the copier.  Mr. Brown seconded the motion.  None opposed, the motion passed unanimously.   
Mr. Brown presented a slide show that will be used for the public meeting for the Congamond Road project on November 29th.  The information on the slide show will include the roadway improvement construction being constructed by DEP which includes drainage improvements, sidewalks on the south side and bike lanes.  The construction will start late 2017 or early 2018.  A warrant article (#1) is to appropriate $950,000.00 for design, construction, and an application to Rural Development for loan/grant funding.  The Town will also be eligible to apply for a MassWorks Infrastructure Program grant in 2017.  In the event the warrant article is not approved by Town vote, there will not be an option to install sewers as the roadway could not be dug up.  The presentation will also include an estimation of costs associated with public sewers.  Mr. Patria will open the meeting, and Mr. Brown will do the slide presentation.  There will be a question and answer period after the presentation.  
Mr. Brown made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  Mr. Pinell seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Nilsson, Secretary