SIC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
OPENING:  The regular scheduled meeting of the Sewer Implementation Committee opened at 7:00 p.m.  The following members were in attendance:
Jerry Patria, Chairman
Randy Brown, Vice Chairman
Brian Pranka
Russell Orne
James Vincent
Art Pinell


Mr. Vincent made a motion to accept the minutes of January 19, 2016.  Mr. Orne seconded the motion.  The vote of the Committee was unanimous in favor.


Members of the SIC met with the Board of Selectmen concerning the possibility of installing a sewer pipe along Congamond Road at the same time the State is going to replace the water pipes.  The cost to install a sewer line will be greatly diminished if it is installed while the roadway is already dug up.  The SIC discussed approaching the business owners around Gillette Corners to determine if they would have any interest in connecting to a public sewer system.  There is grant money available, but as soon as the population of the Town reaches over 10,000 residents, grant funding will no longer be available.  Mr. Pinell suggested that the SIC create a sub-committee with SIC and Board of Selectmen member/s to do further research on the properties, their water usage, contact information, and if there are any septic system issues.  It was noted that the septic system for Dunkin Donuts has recently been replace.  In the event that no interest is generated for the project, it would not be likely that the Town would continue to explore public sewer projects.


Mr. Vincent, a member of the School Committee, recounted information from their last meeting.  A verbal memorandum of understanding would provide funding for the connection of a public sewer line to the schools.  However, the funding that will be provided will not be sufficient enough for the entire project. It is not likely that any the project will be eligible for grant funds.  Town Counsel was present and is working on resolving any issues.  The sewer line, once installed, will be dedicated to the school campus only.  No residential properties along the sewer line will be eligible to connect even in the event of a failed septic system.


Mr. Randy Brown will again contact Mrs. Thayer, Lakewood Village Apartments, to determine if the project will proceed.  Once details are finalized, residents along the sewer line may have the option to connect.  


The SIC members composed the Annual Town Report.


Mr. Pranka made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00.  Mr. Brown seconded the motion.  The vote of the Committee members was unanimous in favor.


The next scheduled meeting will be held on March 1st pending confirmation from the Town Clerk’s Office that the SIC can meet during a primary election.


Respectfully submitted,
Jean Nilsson, Secretary