SIC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
OPENING:  The regular scheduled meeting of the Sewer Implementation Committee opened at 7:00 p.m.  The following members were in attendance:
Jerry Patria, Chairman
Brian Prank
Freda Brown
James Vincent
Art Pinell


Mr. Pinell made a motion to accept the minutes of February 09, 2016.  Mr. Vincent seconded the motion.  The vote of the Committee was unanimous in favor.


Mr. Patria related a phone call from Russell Orne who stated that he was resigning as a member of the Sewer Implementation Committee.  A letter will be issued to Mr. Orne requesting a written resignation.


The SIC members met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss a meeting with business owners or their representatives near the Big Y / McDonald’s intersection on RT 10/202 to gauge their interest in connecting to the public sewer system.  The Town will undertake reconstruction of Congamond Road.  It would be cost effective to include a sewer line that would service businesses owners and also extend to Berkshire Avenue which would include residential properties.  A meeting date and time will be determined on availability of all parties including SIC, DPW, Mr. Stinehart, and a member of the Board of Selectmen.


Mr. Brown issued an email concerning an update for Lakewood Village.  Ms. Thayer has not officiated the contract with the Town for the installation of piping for the sewer line.  The cost associated with the project is equivalent to Phase I.  However, the SIC members noted that Phase II began with the construction of the interceptor line in Westfield.  Ms. Thayer was concerned with some of the costs associated with similar businesses in Town.  Research will be done to determine how apartment complexes were assessed in Phase I and do a comparative analysis.


Respectfully submitted,
Jean Nilsson, Secretary