SIC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 19, 2016
OPENING:  The regular scheduled meeting of the Sewer Implementation Committee opened at 7:00 p.m.  The following members were in attendance:
Jerry Patria, Chairman
Randy Brown, Vice Chairman
Brian Pranka
Freda Brown
James Vincent
Art Pinell


Ms. Brown made a motion to accept the minutes of April 26, 2016.  Mr. Pinell seconded the motion.  The vote of the Committee was unanimous in favor.


Lakewood Village Apartments  Ms. Thayer is requesting a reduction in the EDU assessment and an increase in the credit for installing a sewer line along Point Grove Road.  The Town did have an agreement for the first phase of sewer pipe installation through Babb Road to the rear section of the complex.  There is an option to continue the pipe through the complex, however it would require a pump station which will require an estimated $20,000.00 per year in maintenance.  Installing the sewer line along Point Grove Road will be gravity.  Ms. Thayer is requesting a change in EDU assessments from 42.9 to 32.3 and an increase in the credit from $40,000.00 to $170,955.02.  The amount of the credit is for an estimate to install laterals to properties on Point Grove Road according to Ms. Thayer.  The SIC members will table a decision after seeing actual construction estimate.  Mr. Brown will also calculate an estimated cost for the parallel interceptor line which will be an added expense per EDU.


Zanto’s  The SIC received a request from George Zantouliadis to not assess the additional barber shop in the complex at .75 EDU.  The SIC reviewed the complex and noted that an additional retail store constructed in 2007 was not assessed an EDU.  The SIC members agreed that, in accordance with the approved Table of Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) in Phase I, the complex should be assessed at 1.5 EDU’s, .75 for the additional barber shop and .75 for the retail addition in 2007.  Mr. Zantouliadis will attend the next scheduled meeting.


Mr. Pranka made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m.  Ms. Brown seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous in favor.


Respectfully submitted,
Jean Nilsson, Secretary