SIC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

OPENING:  The regular scheduled meeting of the Sewer Implementation Committee opened at 7:00 p.m.  The following members were in attendance:

Jerry Patria, Chairman
Randy Brown, Vice Chairman
Brian Prank
Freda Brown
James Vincent
Art Pinell


Mr. Vincent made a motion to accept the minutes of April 12, 2016.  Mr. Pinell seconded the motion.  The vote of the Committee was unanimous in favor.


Mr. Brown composed a chart showing a variety of options for installing a public sewer line on Congamond Road that would serve the residents and the business owners along College Highway.  Churches are nonprofit and will be responsible for making their own connection.  Mr. Brown estimated a total of approximately 130 EDU’s for residential and commercial properties.  The members did agree that there should be an individual meeting for each business owner/representative to determine if they would be amenable to the project and what would be their estimated contribution.  Mr. Pranka made a motion to present option #15 on Mr. Brown’s chart, which is the calculation with the highest contribution percentage for business owners.  Ms. Brown seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous in favor.  A letter will be composed to each business owner/representative requesting a one on one meeting with a member of the SIC, Sewer Commissioner, Select Board, and DPW.  The larger of the businesses will be invited first.  In the event they would show no interest in contributing, the EDU cost may be more than the Congamond Road residents would be willing to pay.


Mr. Brown received an email from a resident of Veteran Street concerning an expansion on his property.  He wants to expand the garage, but the location would be into his leach field due to the small lot size.  The property is at the end of Veteran Street, thus the entire street would need to be impacted.  Mr. Brown stated that there was a lateral on Town property, but the construction to connect a main pipe on Veteran Street would be at a depth of 20 feet.  The only other option would be for each dwelling to be connected through a grinder pump and connect to the sewer line on Point Grove Road.   Each homeowner would be required to purchase their own grinder pump and contract for a connection to the main sewer line.  At this time, there are no definite plans to expand the public sewer lines in the area of Veteran Street.


Mr. Brown received information concerning the possibility of a barber shop opening in the Zanto’s plaza.  The business would be required to be assessed in accordance with the Phase I EDU table, which would be .33 for each chair.  


Mr. Brown received an email from Ms. Mary Thayer, Lakewood Apartments, concerning the assessment for the sewer expansion.  There is a segment in the EDU table for Phase I that addresses apartment houses.  Each apartment was assessed at 1 EDU for the first part of the connection for the apartment complex.  The SIC agreed to make compensations for the next phase of the construction as the pipe will be installed on Point Grove Road and allow for residents to connect if they chose to do so.  Mr. Brown will compose a calculation chart with EDU assessments in accordance with the buildings may be connected.  


Mr. Pranka made a motion to have the SIC conduct a meeting on May 19th for the purpose of discussing and making a decision on the Lakewood Apartment project only.  Ms. Brown seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous in favor.
Mr. Pranka made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m.  Ms. Brown seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous in favor.


Respectfully submitted,
Jean Nilsson, Secretary