Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Roz Terry, Chair
Michael Doherty, Vice Chair
Richard Utzinger
Marcus Phelps
Gina Patterson, Associate
Alan Slessler, Town Planner
David Sutton
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mrs. Terry. She stated that the meeting was being recorded and asked if anyone in the audience was recording the meeting.




1.  Talked with the owner of two estate lots on Nicholson Hill Road who questioned whether the two year rule on a decision applied. One of the Estate lots was sold and a second one is on the market to be sold.


2.  Went to witness the balloon test at the proposed Verizon wireless Town location at Lexington Circle area. The balloon was flown at 100 feet and was not visible. The balloon was raised to 120 feet at a location at Patriot Woods and Lexington Circle. The balloon could be viewed at the detention pond. Pictures of GIS locations and results will follow if the site is determined valid.


3.  Prepared IR zone maps to aid in locations utilizing Adult Entertainment Criteria.


4.  Reviewed proposed site plan for 6 Two States Ave plans showed that proposed home will be conforming to the Residential 20 Zone (R20) proposed garage on the existing concrete pad will require Zoning Board of Appeals.


5.  A request for a sign at 549 College Highway came to the office on Monday January 23, 2017.


There were no public comments.




7:10 pm
The Board discussed the budget that was previously submitted to the Finance Committee.


7:15 pm
Annual Report
The Board reviewed the draft annual report for 2016 and made several changes.


7:16 pm
Mr. Moglin, a SelectBoard member, said that the SelectBoard is the authority for appointing a subcommittee. He said the SelectBoard would like the following to be part of the Marijuana subcommittee:  I member of the SelectBoard, 1 member of the police force, 2 members from the community, 2 from the Planning Board. Mrs. Terry suggested the Planner be on the subcommittee as a consultant and Mrs. Preston to take minutes. Mr. Moglin said some of the surrounding Towns have also put a moratorium on marijuana.


7:50 pm
Zoning Amendment
There was no discussion on the zoning amendment.




8:00 pm
A MOTION was made by Mr. Phelps and seconded by Mr. Doherty to accept the minutes of January 10, 2017. The motion passed unanimously.


8:00 pm
Open Space
Mr. Phelps said the SelectBoard originally had set up a workshop on Open Space on January 31, 2017. He said they have moved it to February 7, 2017. He said he would not be in Town. Mrs. Terry asked if someone else would attend. Mr. Phelps distributed information on the locations of the four properties that the Planning Board had selected for future preservation. He gave Mr. Slessler the map of the four properties. He said he did some research on the taxes that are paid on Chapter 61 lands. He said they get significant tax breaks. He said he was not sure if that will be discussed. Mr. Phelps sent the info to the SelectBoard and a copy to the Assessor’s office.


Being no further business to be brought before the Board, A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger, SECONDED by Mr. Phelps to adjourn at 8:05 pm  Vote was unanimous.


Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Preston
Planning Board Administrative Assistant