Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Roz Terry, Chair
David Sutton
Marcus Phelps
Gina Patterson, Associate
Alan Slessler. Town Planner
Michael Doherty, Vice Chair
Richard Utzinger
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mrs. Terry. She stated that the meeting was being recorded and asked if anyone in the audience was recording the meeting.




1. Randy Rindels had questions on Car Dealerships (Walt’s) on College highway owned by John Whalley who also owns a dealership on Granville Road. The question is the two are on the same application or can they stand alone.


2. Randy Rindels also questioned whether the Sky Box could be rezoned. Mr. Slessler told him the same information as was given in 2015.  A Change in zone requires a petition, public hearing and a 2/3rd vote at Town Meeting and approval from the Attorney General.


3. Contacted the engineer for a proposed ground mounted solar farm at 22 Tannery Road. The array is shown on a 20 foot set back from the road. The required front set back for a solar array in the IR zone is 75 feet from Tannery Road and 75 feet from Sam West Road.


4. Reviewed the forms for a sign permit application for 365 College Highway for Bruschetta’s Restaurant. The application is for 32 square foot free standing sign. The owner was advised of the property line information on College Highway and Klaus Anderson Road. There is also a 25 foot setback from the intersection. A property survey is recommended for a relocation of the sign.


5. Researched 7 Buckingham Drive for access issues for sale of property. Lawyers will have research on rights.


There were no public comments.




7:15 pm
625 College Highway
Continued Public Hearing
Mrs. Terry opened the continued Public Hearing for 625 College Highway. She then read a letter from R. Leveque’s Associates Inc. on behalf of the applicant requesting the Public Hearing for 625 College Highway be withdrawn without prejudice the Special Permit, Site Plan Approval and Stromwater Management Permit application for 625 College Highway. Mrs. Terry designated Mrs. Patterson as a voter for this application.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mrs. Patterson to accept the withdrawal without prejudice the Special Permit, Site Plan Approval and Stromwater Management Permit application for 625 College Highway. The motion passed with one abstention.


A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mrs. Patterson to close the Public Hearing for 625 College Highway. The motion passed with one abstention.


7:18 pm
365 College Highway
Sign Application
Glenn Hart submitted a sign as application for 365 College Highway. He said he is keeping the sign on the building. He said it will be a 32 square foot free standing sign off the ground by 16 inches and will not be lit. He said may add some solar led lights to sit on the top in the future. The Board requested he send the specifications on lighting before installation of the sign.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mr. Phelps to send a positive recommendation to the Building Inspector for the sign application as presented for 365 College Highway. The motion passed unanimously.


7:25 pm
5 Whalley Way
Public Hearing
Mrs. Terry read the Public Hearing Notice for 5 Whalley Way. Mr. Steven Phillips of NITOR Corporation submitted an application for the Modification of the Special Permit and site Plan Approval. He said he proposes to add a retail store for the sale of firearms and ammunition. He said he is primarily a laser marking and engraving shop. He said he has received several fire arms certifications over the years and has started to work directly with firearms. He said he is not modifying the front porch of the building. He said he will use his front office a 15 foot by 45 foot space for sales. Mr. Slessler visited the site and said the parking spaces were more than adequate and met parking requirements. There was a discussion about possible future signs on Feeding Hills Road for the businesses on Hudson Road. Mr. Phillips said he would like to have a directory sign listing all the business in that location. Mr. Phelps asked about security measures. Mr. Phillips said he is in all accordance with the Federal Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Association Regulations (ATF) for security. He said he has cameras, alarm systems for all entries; the interior cannot be viewed from the windows, the doors and windows are all welded grades, the long guns hanging on the wall have a wired cable running through them, and the cases for the small arms are locked. He said the ATF can come in unannounced at any time they desire. He has been audited by them three times with no issues. They told him in order to sell firearms he must be in accordance with local laws. He said the Police Department does visit occasionally. Mr. Horacek and Mr. Moglin, abutters to NITOR both expressed support for the application.
Mrs. Terry designated Mrs. Patterson, the Associate Board member as a voter for this hearing.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mr. Phelps to close the Public Hearing for 5 Whalley Way. The motion passed unanimously.


7:40 pm
Town Center Overlay District
Continued Public Hearing
Mrs. Terry opened the Public Hearing for the Town Center Overlay District. She said she appreciated Mrs. Patterson arranging for Mrs. Kathy McCabe to speak to the Board at the last Hearing. She said Mrs. McCabe provided the Board with many approaches to think about in regards to some of their unresolved issues with the topic. Mrs. Terry said she encouraged us to make some changes to the bylaws to resolve some issues and then start working on the master plan. She said she felt the public hearing should be closed and the Board should advertise revisions to the Business Restricted Zone.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mrs. Patterson to close the Town Center Overlay District Public Hearing. The motion passed with one abstention.
Mrs. Terry said the Board will revisit the discussion of mixed uses. She asked Mr. Slessler to send a memo to the SelectBoard stating that the Town Center Overlay District has been closed and withdrawn and the Planning Board is seeking to petition for a Public Hearing to propose an amendment to the Business Restricted zone to include but not limited to mixed use and requirement for the Design Guidelines with a long range goal of creating a new master plan.




7:50 pm
A MOTION was made by Mr. Phelps and seconded by Mr. Sutton to accept the minutes of June 7, 2016. The motion was accepted unanimously.


7:52 pm
5 Whalley Way
Draft Decision
The Board reviewed the draft decision for 5 Whalley Way for a modification to the existing Special Permit and site plan to include retail sales.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mr. Phelps to grant a Modification to the Special Permit and Site Plan Approval for 5 Whalley Way.


Roll call vote:
Mrs. Patterson, yes             Mr., Phelps, yes              Mr. Sutton, yes              Mrs. Terry, yes
The motion passed unanimously.


A MOTION was made by Mr. Phelps and seconded by Mr. Sutton to grant the Wellhead Protection District Permit for 5 Whalley Way.


Roll call vote:
Mrs. Patterson, yes             Mr., Phelps, yes              Mr. Sutton, yes              Mrs. Terry, yes
The motion passed unanimously.


8:00 pm
Revised Sign Application Form
Mrs. Patterson asked if there should be a section for Industrial Signs. Mrs. Terry said that if it is not in the Sign Bylaw it should not be added to the form. The form has been written and revised by Mrs. Patterson and is ready to submit to the Building Department.      


8:02 pm
There was no discussion on Chapter 185-23.3 Common Driveway Moratorium and Phased Growth Bylaw


Being no further business to be brought before the Board, A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton, SECONDED by Mr. Phelps to adjourn at 8:02 pm  Vote was unanimous.


Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Preston
Planning Board Administrative Assistant