Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Roz Terry, Chair
Michael Doherty, Vice Chair
David Sutton
Joe Ballard
Richard Utzinger
Alan Slessler. Town Planner
Gina Patterson, Associate
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mrs. Terry. She stated that the meeting was being recorded and asked if anyone in the audience was recording the meeting.
1. Met with Mr. Norm Storey to discuss Grove Street property and Two States Ave.
2. Met with Attorney representing #3 Baker Shore. Reviewed ANR rules and regulations. The property does not meet the ANR standards.
3. Received an application for 9 Robin Road for a ground mounted 605 square foot solar array in residential 40 zone (R40). There is an allowance for 1,000 square feet.
4. The resident of 32 Sam West Road asked if a residence can be built in an Industrial zone (IR) or would a zone change be required. The property abuts a residential 40 zone (R40). Mrs. Terry said that the decision regarding a zone change would ultimately go to the Attorney General and could take a year.
5. Had a conversation with Attorney Beglane regarding the removal of 1,000 cubic yards when a Building Permit is issued. A Building Permit is required for the Disc Golf Course, driveway improvements, parking area, porta potties and proposed sales shop.
6. Reviewed the plans for 43 Hudson Drive for a change of use and reduced construction in the IR zone.
7. A resident asked if he could change the Zoning Bylaw to allow in-law apartments. Mr. Terry said the first step is either petition of citizens or Board – explained the process of Planning Board hearings, Town Council review and 2/3 Town Meeting vote.
There were no public comments.
7:10 p.m.
445 College Highway
Sign Application
An application for a sign for 445 College Highway, Southwick Collision and Sales was submitted to the Board. Mrs. Terry asked if there was a freestanding sign. Mr. Slessler said there was. Mrs. Terry said there was none in the application. She said since the application was incomplete so the application should be continued to the next meeting.
7:12 p.m.
Chapter 315
Continued Public Hearing
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Sutton to close the Public Hearing for Chapter 315. The motion passed unanimously.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Sutton to accept the revision in the Chapter 315.
Roll call vote:
Randy Brown Director of DPW, yes, David Sutton, yes, Richard Utzinger yes, Michael Doherty yes, Roz Terry yes
The motion carried unanimously.
7:15 p.m.
43 Hudson Drive
Public Hearing
Mrs. Terry read the application from Ms. Margarita Blanter for 43 Hudson Drive located in the Industrial Restricted (IR) zone. The applicant proposes to use the building as a professional office and storage of documents in an existing building. Mr. R. Lévesque of Lévesque Associate represented Mrs. Blanter at the hearing. He said the applicant previously had applied for an Adult Day Care Facility. He said since that time the applicant decided to pursue a different operation at this location. He said there is 5,000 square feet of office and some storage area for documents and the areas are bisected. He said they will be using the bituminous area in the front for parking. He said most parking will be in the front of the building. He said there is gravel in the back.  He said for the 5,000 square feet of office there will be 21 parking spaces and one space for the warehouse. He said the overhead doors in the back will be removed and replaced by double doors. He said there will be no trucks delivering to the rear of the building. He said the minor issues with the stormwater have been resolved. He said they are requesting a Special Permit Site, Plan Review, a waiver of the Storm Water application and a permit for the Wellhead Protection District in the (IR) zone. He said it is a good use over the aquifer. Mrs. Terry read the comments sent from the DPW office. (Attachment A) Mr. Lévesque said he was aware of the items mentioned by the DPW. Mr. Slessler said the plans are complete.
A MOTION was made by Mr.Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Doherty to close the public hearing for 43 Hudson Drive for a Special Permit Site, Plan Review, a waiver of the Storm Water application and a permit for the Wellhead Protection District. The motion passed unanimously.
Mrs. Terry said the Board will try to have a decision by the next Planning Board meeting.
7:40 p.m.
157 Feeding Hills Road
Sign Application
Mr. Slessler said it is an existing sign to be refaced. The Planning Board reviewed the application.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Sutton to approve the sign application for 157 Feeding Hills Road. The motion passed unanimously.
7:30 p.m.
625 College Highway
Continued Public Hearing
The applicant requested a continuation of the public Hearing for 625 College Highway.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Sutton to continue the Public Hearing for 625 College Highway to May 24, 2016 at 7:15 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
7:40 p.m.
Town Overlay District
Continued Public Hearing
Mr. Slessler found a template for a Town Overlay District that only requires filling in information. He said that most of the discussions over the past few meetings have been addressed in the District Guidelines Handbook like siding, parking, and appearances. Mrs. Terry said they are trying to make it the law. She said there are some items in the handbook she would not be comfortable making mandatory.  She said making requirements would only apply to new businesses. Mr. Doherty said that some things from the Handbook should be written into the overlay district as a requirement. She said while she was at the cape said she loved the roof lines on CVS/Rite Aid. She said it looked a lot better than the one the Town got. She said that in her opinion requiring new buildings to be constructed near the sidewalk with parking in the rear would not look good. She said that maybe get the Overlay in place now and in the future some changes could be made. Mr. Doherty said it is different because the Town Center is located on a State Highway and parking is not permitted. He said that he is more interested in the design, the look, the mixed use and the landscaping. Mr. Slessler said that in other Towns if they did have mixed use the residents were on the second floor with the entrances in the rear. Mrs. Terry said the mixed uses will probably go in the remaining homes. Mr. Doherty said the other Towns have a three page Overlay District that refers back to the District Guidelines handbook. Mrs. Terry said she would like to keep working on the project or maybe a sub committee is needed to create the Town Center Overlay District.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Doherty to continue the Public Hearing for the Town Center Overlay District to May 24, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
7:55 p.m.
1 Hudson Drive
Mr. Reardon presented to the Planning Board a change in the site plan for 1 Hudson Drive. He said the square footage is the same but the structures will face a different direction in order to face the sun. He said nothing else changes. Mr. Rob Lévesque will draw up detailed new plans. Mr. Reardon will send in the revised plans as soon as possible. The Planning Board members said they were OK with the change in the plan. Mrs. Terry said the revised plans will have to be distributed to all committees for review before they can be approved for site plan review.
8:00 p.m.
41 & 51 John Mason Road
Continued Public Hearing
Mrs. Terry said that since she missed the previous meeting she has read the minutes and signed and submitted an Ajudicary Hearing form which allows her to vote.  She asked the applicant’s representative to present any new information. Mr. Brown, of 95 Fred Jackson Road, said he did not have any new information at this time. Mrs. Terry said there was a letter written on April 22, 2016 from the one of the neighbor’s attorney to Town Council. She said there has been some discussion about excavation. (See Attachment A) She said the Board is waiting for an opinion from Town Council. She said that they will need a building permit for a structure and for a sign.
Joyce Spear, of 39 Fred Jackson Road, asked about a gate going in and how many truck loads of gravel would it take to remove 1,000 square feet of gravel. Mrs. Terry said that if the gate is on the plan then the Board will discuss it. She said 50 truck loads more of less depending on the size of the trucks.
Sandy McGann, of 31 Fred Jackson Road asked if there will be a place they could view the plan. Mrs. Terry said a copy would be at Town Hall at all times.
Joyce Spear asked what the prices would be for using the Disc Golf Course. A representative of the Golf course said the usually the fee is $10.00 a day per person.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Ballard and seconded by Mr. Sutton to continue the Public Hearing for 41 & 51 John Mason Road to May 3, 2016 at 7:45 p.m. The motion passed unanimously
8:11 p.m.
Master Plan
There was no discussion about the Master Plan.
8:12 p.m.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Sutton to accept the minutes of April 12, 2016. The motion passed unanimously.
Being no further business to be brought before the Board, A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton, SECONDED by Mr. Utzinger to adjourn at 8:1500 p.m.  Vote was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Preston
Planning Board Administrative Assistant