Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Roz Terry, Chair
Michael Doherty, Vice Chair
Richard Utzinger
David Sutton
Marcus Phelps
Gina Patterson, Associate
Alan Slessler. Town Planner
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 pm. by Mrs. Terry. She stated that the meeting was being recorded and asked if anyone in the audience was recording the meeting.




Ruth Preston gave the Planner’s report in the absence of the Town Planner.
  1. Mr. Arata called to say he will be bringing to the Planning Board at the August 16, 2016 his application for the second phase of the ground mounted solar array to be located near Goose Pond. There was a discussion as to whether the application should be listed as one or two hearings.
  2. A resident of Rosewood came in and expressed concerns about a mother that bought a home in Rosewood and her daughter, who is not elderly also moved in. Mrs. Terry reviewed the zoning and said there was nothing in the Town Zoning for elderly residential that would restrict this. The resident was told the Rosewood Association could rewrite their regulations to be more restrictive than the Town Zoning regulations.
  3. There were many discussions with the Town Clerk, the Town Administrator and DeRenzy Document Solutions regarding the repairs to the copy machine that was sent to the Planner’s office from the Town Clerk’s office.
  4. There were questions about building a two family home on19 Babb’s Road if they tore down the existing house. They were told they could locate the new house on a different section of the lot but could not build a two family home on the lot.
  5. Attorney Donahue came in the gather more information about the garage on 61 Granville Road.


7:15 pm
67 Tannery Road
Chester Sulborski and Diane Barns inquired about building a house on 67 Tannery Road. Mr. Sulborski said he owns property on Concord Road. He said easiest access would be on Concord Road rather Tannery Road. He said the Conservation Commission has signed off on the wetland survey. He said rather than try to cross the wetlands by building a bridge they would rather enter via Concord Road. He said he has 150 feet of frontage on Tannery Road and 112 feet of frontage on Concord Road. Mrs. Terry said the property is located in the Residential 20 (R20) zone. Ms. Barns asked if the access and PO address could be on Concord Road. Mrs. Terry said that would be up to the Post Office and the Board of Assessors. Mrs. Terry asked Mr. Brown, the DPW Director, to review the plans. Mr. Brown said there is a water line on the property. Mr. Sulborski said he cannot find it and doubts that it is still there. He said there is also no fire hydrant there. He said the property is in Chapter 61 and they have to remove a piece for the house. Mrs. Terry said that may mean he would have to take out a larger piece of property and he will have to return for an ANR. She recommended they meet with the Southwick Assessor’s office.


7:25 pm
41 & 51 John Mason Road
Continued Public Hearing
Mrs. Terry opened the Public Hearing for 41 & 51 John Mason Road. She said the Board has received a report from the Director of the Board of Health, Mr. FitzGerald, which she read (SEE ATTACHMENT A).  Mrs. Terry said that the Planning Board has a standard condition in Special Permits that the applicant must be in compliance with all other Boards. She said there was an email from the Conservation Commisioner, Mr. Clark, which she read (SEE ATTACHMENT B). She had a memo from Mr. Schneider’s office. Ms. Thibeault was representing Mr. Schneider in his absence and read the memo. (SEE ATTACHMANT C). One topic mentioned was lighting. Mr. Doherty did not agree with the no lighting request since it contrary to the request to have the site secure. Mr. Brown responded by saying he had no intention of installing electricity. Mrs. Terry said if something changes in the future he would have to bring the project back to the Board for a modification to a Special Permit. She said the Board also received a 30 page document of general information from the applicant of Disc Golf (SEE ATTACHMENT D). A copy is to be sent to all Board members. Mr. Brown had a revised set of drawings showing the changes in the driveway and pull out areas in response to the requests by the Fire Department and the Police Department. He said that Conservation had approved the changes. He said they have added two foot bridges on the course. The foot bridges do not need to be ADA compliant. He said they were the only changes since the Board last met with him.  Mrs. Terry said that at the last meeting someone brought up the issue of numbers of cars should be the same as a regular golf course. She looked up the parking bylaw. She said that in the parking bylaw it states that outdoor re-creation parking requirement can be determined by the Planning Board during the Public Hearing for a Special Permit. She said the parking requirements are not the same as a golf course. Ms. Thibeault said the Board has answered all of the issues that were part of the report sent by Mr. Schneider.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Sutton to continue the Public Hearing for 41&51 John Mason Road to August 16, 2016 at 7:15 pm. The motion passed within abstention.


7:50 pm
A MOTION was made by Mr. Doherty and seconded by Mr. Utzinger to accept the minutes of July 12, 2016. The motion passed unanimously.


7:54 pm
185 College Highway – Medical Marijuana
Mrs. Terry said she has sent a copy of the Planning Board minutes and the information submitted, including the non opposition form, to the SelectBoard, the Building Inspector, the Fire Marshall, the Police Safety Officer and the Health Director for their review. She said in this case the application would not come under Planning Board for review. She said there is not an application for the Planning Board and there will never be one because the facility is located in the Business (B) zone where retail is allowed by right and they do not plan on changing the site plan.


8:05 pm
Tannery Road Solar Project
Mrs. Terry said there was nothing new at this time. She asked the Board to monitor what is happening to the Tannery Road Solar application.


8:10 pm
483 College Highway and 61B Granville Road
Mrs. Terry said years ago in order to have an operating Public Garage the applicant had to go to the Board of Appeals for a Permit. She said that 61B Granville Road has a permit. She said that licenses to sell cars are issued by the SelectBoard and that the use permits are now under the preview of the Planning Board. She said the Board issued a Special Permit for 483 College Highway. She said we have no record of a use permit for 61 Granville Road which is in the B zone. She said sales are allowed by right in the B zone. She said that Mr. John Whalley is trying to separate the two businesses that he owns. She said the license to sell was issued to KKQB as a single entity.


Being no further business to be brought before the Board, A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton, SECONDED by Mr. Phelps to adjourn at 8:15 pm.  Vote was unanimous.


Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Preston
Planning Board Administrative Assistant