Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Roz Terry, Chairman
Michael Doherty, Vice Chairman
David Sutton
Richard Utzinger
Gina Patterson, Associate
Alan Slessler. Town Planner
Joe Ballard
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mrs. Terry. She stated that the meeting was being recorded and asked if anyone in the audience was recording the meeting. Mrs. Terry introduced the new Associate member of the Board, Gina Patterson.




1. Met with the Building Department Director, the Health Director and the Conservation Director regarding an illegal dwelling on #3 Baker’s Shore on South Pond. The property has no frontage on a public way. It has two dwellings on the property which is not allowed.


2. Questions about #55 Sam West Road for possible large solar array.


3. Received a revised site plan for #79 Davis Road for 680 Square feet ground mounted solar system and 680 feet roof mounted solar system.


4. Verizon Wireless is researching a 31 acre parcel owned by the Town of Southwick north of Deer Run and south of Lexington Circle.


5. Continued making revisions to Chapter 315.


6. Completed a draft for the proposed Town Overlay District.


There were no public comments.




7:15 pm
Land Protection Analysis
Marcus Phelps represents the Conservation Commission regarding a process to evaluate Chapter 61Program Lands in Southwick. He said recently in Southwick a committee was formed under the Conservation Commission called the Land Management Advisory Committee. He said most of the members were on the Open Space Planning Committee. He said that committee no longer exists because they have met their goal of developing the open space and recreation plan. He said there still is a need in the Town for a committee under the Conservation Commission to manage lands and to advise on any of the properties that are public land. He said there is going to be a community garden on the Sofinowski Preserve. He said part of the responsibilities of the committee is to research properties to recommend protection of these properties. He said that within the Chapter 61 Program there are about 6,000 acres (60 parcels) in Southwick of undeveloped land. He said chapter 61 is forestry, 61A is agriculture farming and 61B is open space and recreation. He said this is a tax deferment incentive. He said this is coordinated through the Southwick Assessor’s office in conjunction with the State. He said he is helping the committee do this analysis. He said he has drafted three sets of criteria, one for Conservation Commission, one for the Agricultural Commission and one for the Planning Board. He presented the criteria proposal to the Planning Board which they reviewed (SEE ATTACHMANT A). He said the new committee will be having their first meeting Wednesday, February 10, 2016. He said it would be nice to do as a GIS project. He said the Conservation Commission has two interns to assist with the process. He said that if someone takes the property out of Chapters 61 the Town has first refusal to purchase the land. He reviewed the conservation points system. He said he would like the Board to determine the criteria they would like.


7:45 pm
625 College Highway
Continued Public Hearing
A request was received from the applicant of 625 College Highway for a continuation of the public hearing.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mr. Utzinger to continue the Public Hearing for 625 College Highway February 23, 2016 at 7:30 pm The motion passed unanimously.


7:46 pm
Depot Square
Modification to Site Plan
Mr. Slessler said that the modification requested is minor and does not feel it requires a public hearing. Mr. John Goddard of R. Lévesque Associates gave a brief overview of the Depot Square project. He said for the purpose of discussion he would call the unit 6 ½. He said originally there was to be two units in this area. This new unit would make a total 50 units. Mr. Liquori said he has 6 more units to build. He said there is still a punch list to be completed
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Doherty to approve the application of modification to the site plan as presented for Depot Square. The motion passed unanimously.


7:55 pm
Town Overlay District
Continued Public Hearing
Mr. Slessler prepared a draft for the Town Center Overlay District. The Board reviewed the draft. Mrs. Terry said that they are considering including properties that are not in the Business Restricted BR zone. Mrs. Terry asked if the Board wants parking in the rear. Mrs. Terry said some of these goals already exist in Town. She said that the Board passed the Design Guideline Handbook but has no power to enforce. She said the Board would like to put so more power to assure the Town will retain the Old New England charm. Topics discussed include parking, setbacks, mixed use, sidewalks, underground utilities, vegetation and the Master Plan. Mr. Doherty said Board will have to be clear about what is mandatory and what is to be encouraged.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Doherty to continue the public hearing for the Town Overlay District to February 23, at 8:00 pm 2016. The motion passed unanimously.


8:00 pm
Chapter 315
Continued Public Hearing
Mr. Slessler gave the Board a copy of the latest revisions to Chapter 315. He said with the DPW Director changes were made to the maintenance bond. Mrs. Terry asked the Board to review these changes carefully. She said the Board has had problems in the past with Contractors filing for bankruptcy and leaving not enough in the bond to complete the project.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Doherty to continue the Public Hearing to February 23 at 7:32 pm The motion passed unanimously


8:10 pm
79 Davis Road
Solar Site Plan Review
Pam Estock, 79 Davis Road, with a new plan for the installation of 1,300 square feet of solar panels on her property which is located in the residential zone. She initially wanted to have all 1,300 square feet of panels ground mounted but nothing over 1,000 square feet cannot be ground mounted in the Residential zone (R). Mrs. Estock is new proposal is to put 680 square feet of panels on the ground and 650 square feet on a roof. She said they have constructed a building for the roof mounted panels.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mr. Doherty to approve the site plan for 79 Davis Road for 680 square feet of ground mounted solar panels under Chapter 185.2. The motion passed unanimously.


There were no minutes.


Being no further business to be brought before the Board, A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton, SECONDED by Mr. Utzinger to adjourn at 9:00 pm  Vote was unanimous.


Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Preston
Planning Board Administrative Assistant