Park & Recreation Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Members in Attendance:  
Patrick Roche, Jeanne Reed-Waldron, John Whalley, David DeiDolori, and Cara Cartello


Members Not in Attendance:
Mike Massarelli


Joe Deedy
Brian Alves


The meeting was opened by Commissioner Patrick Roche at 6:30 pm. The next meeting of the Park and Recreation will July 27, 2016 at 6:30pm.


Public Comment
Joe would like to have fireworks set off from Whalley Park exactly like last year.  They are scheduled for Friday July 22, 2016 and rain date July 23rd.  He would like to know if P&R would like a booth to sell drinks at the carnival.  The board agreed to have a booth.  Joe didn’t receive a lot of donations this year for the fireworks.  It is questionable whether or not they will have them next year.  P&R has $1,800 town budget for the fireworks.  Joe would like the money from that account to pay a portion of the fireworks.  Jeanne Reed-Waldron motioned to give the $1,800 toward the fireworks; John Whalley seconded and the motion was approved.  Joe stated the stop signs at the park will be installed this fall and a crosswalk sign.  John stated he doesn’t want a crosswalk sign at the park.  The safety officer recommended putting up no parking signs along the left of the street.  John doesn’t feel that is necessary.


Review Minutes and Bills
Bills were reviewed and approved.  Minutes were reviewed and approved.  


Whalley Park
Brian Alves is looking for a home field and would like to use the 90’ and 70’ diamond starting April through August for the Western Mass Wave teams.  He is going to have 3 teams 3 days a week and Sundays on each field.  He would like to hang 4x8 banners on the fence at fields.  Pat said in the deed it states there are to be no banners on the fences.  It is $3,200 per person to play on a Western Mass Wave team.  Brian stated he would be willing to maintain the diamonds in return for field use.   Pat stated the 70’ field is short.  Brian said that isn’t a concern.  He would be willing to offer Southwick residents a 10% discount.  
We need to put signs on hand dryers stating they are hand dryers in the restrooms.  They are small and people don’t recognize them.  Board members parked cars at the park for Motor Cross.  They raised $9,695.00.  Pat said the fences at the baseball fields are starting to concave due to soft toss.  Cara will contact the current teams renting the fields to advise them there is to be no soft toss at the field.  Cara will get quotes on signs.  John asked Cara to contact Heritage Lawn to see when they will be up at the park to apply the next step.  There is some crabgrass and clover.


Rail Trail
Brooks is looking to have a larger area paved at Miller road for parking.  P&R will revisit this toward the end of the fiscal budget.  Cara contacted DPW, they said they will go on rail trail with the arm mower in the fall.


Prifti Park
The concrete sidewalks are in.  John Westcott ordered the mulch.  The Swings were relocated.  All the benches were removed.


Town Beach
Some of the lifeguards are not helping out with dail beach cleanup and set up.  Cara will put together a letter and distribute with their pay check.  July 3rd the Southwick Baptist church held their annual baptism at the lake.  The bathrooms were clogged and maintenance had to be called in on both July 3 and 4th.  Pat said they cannot use the facility again.  Each year there is a problem.  There are so many people that attend the baptism that the facility cannot accommodate such a large event.  Cara will contact the Church to let them know.


New Business
The no swimming and no fire sign at Old Town Beach are once again missing.  Dick Grannellis requested P&R have new signs made and put up.  Cara will have this done.


Meeting called to a close
7:45pm John Whalley motioned to adjourn the meeting; Jeanne Reed-Waldron seconded the motion. The meeting was called to a close.


Submitted by:
Jeanne Reed-Waldron
John Whalley
Patrick Roche
David DeiDolori
Mike Massarelli