Park & Recreation Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Members in Attendance:  
Patrick Roche, Jeanne Reed-Waldron, John Whalley, David DeiDolori, Mike Massarelli and Cara Cartello


Dean Sleeper


The meeting was opened by Commissioner Patrick Roche at 6:30 pm. The next meeting of the Park and Recreation will August 10, 2016 at 6:30pm.


Public Comment
There was no public comment


Review Minutes and Bills
Bills were reviewed and approved.  Minutes were reviewed and approved.  


Whalley Park
The fireworks were shot off at Whalley Park on July 22nd.  John Whalley had two of his hourly employees putting up fence.  He was told the fence had to be 350 feet away from where the fireworks were being shot from.  He had them put up 500 feet to be safe.  The Fire Marshall came and said they had to be 700 feet away.  They had to take down and put up again.  It was extremely hot and sunny day.  He stated he doesn’t want to sponsor the fireworks in the future.  Pat suggested completely closing Whalley Park and have Atlas Fireworks rent the facility. The maintenance employee at the park said there are a lot of firework pieces around the park.  John Whalley motioned to have the finance committee no longer budget Park & Recreation $1,800 for fireworks; Mike Massarelli seconded, Jeanne Reed-Waldron abstained and the motion was approved.   Discussion about field rentals for 2017.  Mike thinks the existing teams should be grandfathered in for field rentals.  Pat thinks field rentals should be on a first come first serve basis.  Discussion on increasing rental fees for 2017.  Heritage Lawn fertilized the fields July 22, 2016.  They said the common areas are being cut too short and the grass is stressed.  Cara will contact Joel to tell him.  Pat would like to hold a Food Truck Festival at the park in the spring.  He suggests admission would be $5 per person.  The trucks would pay $100-$150.  P&R will sell drinks.  Dave suggested hiring a Brew Pub to sell liquor.  The BOS would need to grant a one day liquor license.  Pat asked Dave and Mike to set up a wiffle ball tournament at the park to raise funds.  Dave said he would be willing to do this.  Mike would like to do a 17U, 14U sizzler tournament at the park.  He said Mike Vinsette may not do next year.  Jeanne said we would need to reach out to the community for volunteers for all these events to be successful.  


Rail Trail
Dean Sleeper said the rail trail mower needs new tires.  Cara called R&R for a quote.  Dean said the muffler fell off the truck and the frame is rotted.  John said to bring the truck to have it fixed.  Cara contacted DPW about removing the water fountain on the rail trail.  DPW advised her to hire a contractor to cut and cap the water line at the main and the Water Dept will need to be present.  Lake management has a concrete pad that the water fountain can be put on.  P&R would be responsible for the cost.  No decision was made at this time.


Prifti Park
John Westcott said the water fountain at Prifti Park is broke and needs to be fixed.  He is not sure if he has money to cover this.  P&R does not want to pay for this to get fixed.  Pat said if it is broken and John can’t cover the expenses to have it taken out.  John Westcott would like plantings for the picnic area around Prifti Park.  Dave DeiDolori motioned to approve plantings for $150 at Prifti Park; Mike Massarelli seconded and the motion was approved.


Town Beach
The Senior Picnic is scheduled for August 17th.  The entertainment is not available until this time.  


New Business
Cara has contacted Jane Doe No More for a female self defense class to be held in town.  They typically use school gymnasiums which can hold the 50 women.  They will send more information and dates they are available.  


Meeting called to a close
8:15pm Mike Massarelli motioned to adjourn the meeting; John Whalley seconded the motion. The meeting was called to a close.


Submitted by:
Jeanne Reed-Waldron
John Whalley
Patrick Roche
David DeiDolori
Mike Massarelli