Real Estate Taxes

  1. Notice of Advertising will be mailed within one week of the Tax Delinquent Notices deadline. [MGL 60:53,54] Taxpayers will have 14 days to make payment of taxes. At this time, no taxpayers will have the opportunity to make partial payments.[MGL 60:22] All payments are due in full with a bankers check or cash.
  2. Advertising of the property will be processed in the local newspaper under the legal section for 14 days. [MGL 60:1]  
  3. Also, it will be posted in two other locations. [MGL 60:53]
  4. See Treasurer's page for current advertising.
  5. At 10:00am on the 14th day of advertising, the Collector will record the Instrument of Taking. [MGL 60:54] The outstanding real estate will now be assessed 16% interest and has incurred many fees.
  6. All Tax Liens will then be forwarded to the Treasurer for tracking. Click here for current listing.
  7. See Tax Title procedurer under Treasurer.