LEPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Karl Stinehart, LEPC Chair opened the meeting at 0930 hours with an introduction of all present after noting a quorum represented.


I. Acceptance of March 24, 2016 Meeting Minutes:
Mr. Karl Stinehart entertained a motion for acceptance of the March 24, 2016 meeting minutes as presented with a motion made by Charles Dunlap and seconded by Dennis Clark with all voting in favor.
II. New Business:
A. Swear in of members
LEPC members present were sworn in by Assistant Town Clerk Jessica Menzone.
B. Election of Officers for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary
Karl Stinehart opened a discussion of officer positions and candidates willing to serve with Charles Dunlap making a motion for all officers to continue serving in the same position for another term of:  Chairperson Karl Stinehart, Vice Chairperson Thomas FitzGerald, Treasurer Dennis Clark, and Secretary Charles Dunlap with a second to the motion by Brian Houlihan and all voting in favor.
C. LEPC Mission, By-Laws, and Sub-Committee Orientation for new members
Karl Stinehart and Charles Dunlap explained how the Bhopal India 1984 incident releasing a toxic pesticide gas resulted in the Federal SARA Title III Act, the State SERC and local LEPC mandate addressing the Right-to-Know law of EHS (extremely hazardous substances) stored, used, and transported in our community. A list of the LEPC thirteen required membership representations was explained. Copies of the LEPC By-Laws were distributed and reviewed. The two subcommittees Outreach-Education and Risk Management Reduction were explained and updated with new member vacancy replacements with Secretary Charles Dunlap assigned to the LEPC Recertification Committee. Fire Chief Russ Anderson was delegated as the Right to Know Officer and assigned as Chairperson for Risk Management Reduction subcommittee.
III. Old Business:
There was no old business to report.
IV. Other Business:
Dennis Clark discussed the recent Congamond lakes copper sulfate treatment to prevent algae bloom with Karl Stinehart updating the attendees of a recent boat tour of North Pond by State and local officials. Chief Russ Anderson mentioned his experience with Granby, MA REPC. Charles Dunlap presented the new BAY STATE GAS Co.’s Emergency Response Plan.
V. Adjournment:
Chairman Karl Stinehart entertained a motion for meeting adjournment. A motion to adjourn was made by Cindy Sullivan, seconded by Randy Brown with all voting in favor. Chairman Karl Stinehart stated the next LEPC meeting would be in the EOC at 0930 hours October 27, 2016. The meeting adjourned at 1025 hours.


Respectfully submitted,


Charles H. Dunlap
LEPC Secretary / Emergency Management Director