

The Application Process

The applicant must first complete and submit the ‘CPC Selection Criteria’ and the ‘Application for CPC Funding’.  The committee then holds a public hearing to discuss the application.  If the committee agrees that the project is allowable, the project is then voted on by the legislative body at the annual town meeting.

It is best to plan ahead and make sure all materials and details are submitted within a timely manner.

The recommended project at the Annual Town Meeting

A recommendation by the CPC and appropriation by the legislative body are both required to spend CPA funds. Both are made by majority vote. The only exception to the majority vote is in the cases of authorizing bonding or eminent domain proceedings under CPA. These uses require a two-third vote of the local legislative body. The legislative body may make appropriations of CPA funds in the amount recommended by the CPC, or it may reduce or reject any recommended amount. It may also reserve all or part of the CPC recommendation for a later appropriation by allocating it to a reserve for that category instead, per the Department of Revenue (DOR) Informational Guideline Release (IGR) 01-209, Section VI.