CPC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
John Whalley III, Chair
Marcus Phelps, Vice Chair
Patrick Roche
Karen Reed
David Gunn
Bob Horacek
Karen Demaio
Chris Pratt
Dennis Clark, Consultant
Robert K Johnson
Mr. Whalley officially opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.




6:30 pm
North Pond Property
Mr. Whalley suggested the North Pond Project be brought forward on the agenda since the presenter Alain Peteroy, representing the Franklin Land Trust, drove a long way in the snow. He felt the Committee should get her on the road home as soon as possible. North Pond applications were distributed to the Committee members. Alain Peteroy said she is the Director of Land Conservation at the Franklin Land Trust. She said they were asked to try and save this 146 acres. She said everybody has been concerned about preserving the property for years because of water quality and wild life habitat. She said an appraisal for the property was 4.9 million dollars. She said however the Franklin Land trust must do their own appraisal which will be done soon. She said the Trust entered into a contract with the owner last summer. She said this must be completed by June 2017. She said there appeared to be community support, State Fish and Game and others that wanted this property protected. She said they have been seeking grants to raise the needed funds. She said that once they know that all of the funding sources are in place they will borrow whatever they need to borrow to purchase the land. Immediately following that a portion of the land will go to the town using the CPA funds, the Land grant and maybe the Water Supply Grant.. She said the land they purchase will probably be made into grassland and she showed the anticipated property lines on the map of the property. She said neither the Town nor the State Fish and Game Wild Life Management will be putting in the total 5 million dollars. She said the are trying to establish what they want to do with it  and what the Town would like to do with it. She said when Fish and Game has access to land they put a conservation restriction on the land and that includes hunting. She said they also put a large buffer zone between where hunting is allowed and other areas. Mr. Gunn said he hoped the Town would restrict hunting and use prudence as to where it would be allowed. She said they are looking to protect water. There was an extensive discussion and expressions of concerns about protecting the water wells sites and the lake water. There was also concern expressed about the appraisals. She said the Land Grant is for fiscal 2017 for $400,000. She said the Water Grant for $350,000 is for fiscal 201 7. She said both grants can move to fiscal year 2018. She said she hopes the owner will give them a six months extension. She said getting land surveys done and the Town Meeting vote is in May. She said they have collected about $100,000 in business and private donations. She said they have several grants requests out for $500,000 and one for $25,000 and about $650,000 in private foundation grants. l short but he said they are still short but are continuing to work on it. She said whatever section of land that ultimately belongs to the Town it will come with an automatic conservation restriction. She said the State will hold the conservation restriction. Mr. Phelps said there would need to be a parking space for the land since the present one belongs to the Wildlife Management Area. She said language must be put in the conservation restriction even thought the it might not be done immediately but at another time. She said they have a Development Director that is raising funds, they are running events, and are close to 3 million dollars if all grants come in. She said it is a special piece of property used by hikers, bird watchers, bird hunters and a place for boaters to gather. She said they need a million dollars from the CPA. She will be at Town Meeting, if the project funding is on the Warrant. Mr. Whalley said the Town should get all of the water front area on North Pond. He said that they are getting prime land. He said that section is appraised for more than what they are getting. Ms. Peteroy said the boundaries of the division of land must be agreeable to both parties and as of yet are not determined. She said she is sure an agreement can be made. She felt a Q & A meeting with Town residents should be held to inform them of what has been done and what is proposed. She said the State Fish and Game and the Franklin Land Trust would be present. She said this should be held before Town Meeting. There was a brief discussion as to when the meeting would be held.


7:20 pm
A MOTION was made by Mr. Gunn and seconded by Mr. Pratt to accept the minutes of November 29, 2016. The motion passed unanimously.


7:22 pm
Mr. Phelps reported on the mail. He said there was a notification on the fiscal 2018 budget hearing that will be held on Saturday March 4, 2017 at 8:05 a.m.
There was a request for information on Affordable Housing Funds. Specifically how much money has been spent on affordable housing?  Karen He read a notice on a land conservation conference if anyone wants to attend.
A request was received for annual dues to the Community Preservation Coalition in the amount of $1750.00. There was a discussion on the role of the Coalition the CPA. Mr.Horacek said that the Committee has the final say on the projects that fall within the guidelines. Mr. Whalley said yes and the Town has the final say at the Town meeting. Mrs. Preston speaks to Stuart in Boston if there is doubt as to whether a project meets the CPA requirements. Mr. Whalley said the CPA Coalition works with the  State legislature to support funds for the match every year and provide technical assistance and support for the CPC.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Phelps and seconded by Mr. Pratt to pay the $1,750 annual dues to the CPA Coalition. The motion passed unanimously.


7:45 pm
CPC Application/ Evaluation Criteria and Award Process
Updates Action
Mr. Phelps reviewed the changes to the CPA Project Submission Packet’ and the Project Award/Payment Process. The selection criteria were reviewed. Mr. Horacek asked if  revenue lost as part of a project were ever calculated. He said for instance property taxes may be lost. He said that should be added to the project criteria. Mr. Phelps said it is in there now.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Pratt and Seconded by Mrs. Demaio to accept the changes to the CPC Project Application. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Phelps said the funding award process has a few changes which he reviewed. Mrs. Demaio asked if a time line should be set for the completion of a project. Several projects were noted to take a longer time. One example was the preservation of documents in the Town Clerk’s office. This project is still in process. Another example was the construction of the Boardwalk when the required material did not arrive and delayed the project. Mr. Whalley said the accounting department keeps close track of the funds. There was a discussion of liability insurance that should be provided. Some insurance requirements were added to the funding process.
A MOTION was made by Mrs. Reed and seconded by Mr. Pratt to accept the changes to the funding award process. The motion passed unanimously.


8:00 pm
CPA Projects
The Committee requested that Mrs. Preston review the projects with the Town Accountant to establish which projects were still outstanding and if any unused funds for completed projects have not been returned to the budget.




8:10 pm
Prifiti Park
Mr. Whalley said that work on the park was not complete. It has been updated to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. It actually is not technically a Town park because it has not been accepted by Town as a park.


A MOTION was made by Mr. Gunn and second by Mr. Mr. Pratt to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 PM. The vote was unanimous.


Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Preston
Administrative Assistant - CPC