BOA Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 13, 2016
Attendees:  Paul Grégoire, Chris Mastroianni, Thomas Stapleton
Absent:  David Methe and Bill Lis
7:05 PM   Meeting opened and the Board reviewed and signed an advertising bill.  The Meeting Minutes were reviewed and accepted.
7:22 PM  22 Tannery Road
The Chairman read the hearing notice.  Mr. Frank Westgate, representative for Clean Footprint, and Mr. Scott Lamon presented the plan to add a solar array to Mr. Lamon’s land.   The applicant is requesting a front setback of 20 feet and a side setback of 30 feet.  
The Board asked about visibility at the intersection if requested dimensions are allowed.  
Mr. Westgate indicated that the solar array is only 5 feet high with 2 feet of that below the pavement so he feels there will be no visibility issues for traffic.
Mr. Mastroianni asked what percentage of output they would lose if variances are not approved and the array is installed according to bylaws.  Mr. Westgate stated that 1/3 of the output would be lost.  Mr. Stapleton asked how they came up with the 10 foot property line and Mr. Lamon stated that an existing fence line is set back 10 feet.   Mr. Stapleton also asked if the other Town Boards have been in agreement with the plan.  Mr. Lamon stated that they seem to be on board.
Mr. Grégoire asked if the array is installed below grade will there be a water issue.
Mr. Westlake has evaluated the land, even in the rain, and has seen no water issues currently.
Mr. Marcus Phelps was in attendance and stated that in the bylaws if the property abutts a residential zone a 50 feet setback is required.
Mr. Grégoire asked what the hardship was and Mr. Westgate stated that Mr. Lamon will suffer financially and experience loss of revenue.  Mr. Westgate was advised to rework the plan and try to fit the array in what is allowed.
Mr. Westlake filled out and signed a withdrawal without prejudice letter that was also signed by the Board Chairman.
8:09 PM   New Business
A new application for Will Palmer Road was reviewed.  The applicant wants to add an addition to the property.  The hearing will be held on June 27th.
8:13 PM  Mr. Stapleton made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Mastroianni second, all were in favor and the meeting was closed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Grégoire