Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Roz Terry, Chair
Michael Doherty, Vice Chair
Richard Utzinger
David Sutton
Marcus Phelps
Gina Patterson, Associate
Alan Slessler, Town Planner
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mrs. Terry. She stated that the meeting was being recorded and asked if anyone in the audience was recording the meeting.
1. Reviewed new plans for 809 College Highway and prepared the draft decision.
2. Reviewed plans for proposed Estate Lot at 48 Sheep Pasture Road
3. Received information from Town SelectBoard in regards to the proposed operating engineer training for a facility on Hudson Drive. The proposal should consider if it is in keeping with the large picture for the reuse of the Lane property after the completion of gravel removal.
4. Assisted the Building /Zoning Enforcement Officer in enforcement at 642 College Highway for the company 413 Tree that is in violation of the Business Restricted (BR) zone and site plan approval for the property.
5. Received information regarding snow plowing and maintenance of private ways. The Town Attorney says that the practice is illegal. The SelectBoard will take it under review for more action.
6. Mrs. Roz Terry attending her last Planning Board Meeting. She will be missed.
There were no public comments.
7:15 pm
48 Sheep Pasture Road
Public Hearing
Mr. John Goddard of R. Lévesque Associates represented the applicant Christopher Whalley for the application for a Special Permit for an estate lot on 48 Sheep Pasture Road zoned in Agricultural, Conservation District and Residential (R40) zone. Mr. Goddard said the applicant proposes to construct a single family home. He said the proposal was reviewed by the Conservation Committee so the changes in the plan reflect their suggestions. The Planning Board reviewed the plans. He said they are 75 feet off the neighbor’s property lines. Mr. Slessler asked why the applicant requested an Estate lot. Mr. Goddard said originally they had a direct route to the property and it had to be shifted due to Conservation Commission requirements. Mr. Slessler said that the parcel does not have enough frontage along Sheep Pasture Road. He said the two options were to go to the Zoning Board of Appeals and ask for a variance to make it a buildable lot or to come in for an Estate Lot.  Mrs. Terry said they have 129 feet of frontage along the road and they need 150 feet. She said they are not cutting an Estate lot from a larger lot. The proposal does meet the requirements of an Estate lot. Mr. Goddard said there is public water available and a planned septic system for the site. He said they are disturbing more than an acre of land so they will apply for a Stormwater Permit. He said the area near the road is flat and below the street grade. Mr. Slessler said the lot is pitched toward Great Brook. Mrs. Terry said the requirement of 5 acres is met since it has 8 plus acres. It is a lot of record. Mrs. Terry reminded him that the driveway must be a hard and stabilized surface as an Estate Lot bylaw.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Sutton to close the hearing for 48 Sheep Pasture Road. The motion passed unanimously.
7:20 pm
32 Sam West Road
Continued Public Hearing
Mr. John Goddard of R. Lévesque Associates represented the applicant for 32 Sam West Road located in the Industrial (IR) Zone who plans to operate a light manufacturing business. He said they did meet with the Conservation Commission and the plans have changed. He said he must move the building so he will be meeting with the Zoning Board of Appeals to ask for a variance. Mr. Goddard requested to continue the Public Hearing. Mrs. Terry reminded the Board that Gina Patterson, the Associate Board member has been designated as a voter on this project.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Doherty and seconded by Mr. Utzinger to continue the Public Hearing for 33 Sam West Road to May 23, 2017 at 7:15 pm The motion passed unimously.
7:45 pm
809 College Highway
Continued Public Hearing
Mr. John Goddard of R. Lévesque Associates represented the applicant Nate Lecrenski for 809 College Highway converting the building to a fitness center. Mr. Goddard said that most of the conditions were regarding the busses and existing fuel tanks that would be removed by June 30, 2017. He said the new plan now shows 32 parking spaces. He said the restroom facilities have been reviewed by the Health Director and he said the septic system would handle the use. The interior is an ongoing project. He said if the noise conditions warrant, after the interior has been designed for noise reduction, an acoustical fence may have to be installed. Mr. Slessler noted the Zoning Enforcement Officer said they may have to add something like spray foam on the walls. He said it does two things such as containing heat in the winter and cooling in the summer as well as dissipate the sound. He said open cell foam was recommended. Mr. Lecrenski said it has already been done. Mrs. Terry said the applicant may have to try some additional remedies to contain the sound and if it does not work. Mrs. Terry read the comments from the Health Director (SEE ATTACHMENT A). The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Mrs. Terry reminded the applicant that the sign permit is a separate application. The neighbors present said they had no problems with the existing lighting. Mrs. Terry said to the residents present if there is a problem they are to contact the Police directly.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mr. Utzinger to close the Public Hearing for 809 College Highway. The motion passed unanimously.
8:15 pm
809 College Highway
Review Draft Decision
The Board reviewed the draft decision for the modification to the Special Permit for 809 College Highway. Several additions and changes were made. There was a discussion on how to monitor noise.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mr. Utzinger to approve the revised Modification to the Special Permit for 809 College Highway.
Roll Call Vote:
Mrs. Terry, yes         Mr. Doherty, yes        Mr. Utzinger, yes       Mr. Sutton, yes         Mr. Phelps, yes
The motion passed unanimously.
8:40 pm
48 Sheep Pasture Road
Review Draft Decision
The Board reviewed the draft decision for the Special Permit for 48 Sheep Pasture Road. Some additions and changes were made.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mr. Utzinger to approve the Special Permit and Site Plan Approval for an Estate Lot at 48 Sheep Pasture Road.
Roll Call Vote:
Mrs. Terry, yes         Mr. Doherty, yes        Mr. Utzinger, yes       Mr. Sutton, yes         Mr. Phelps, yes
The motion passed unanimously.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton and seconded by Mr. Utzinger to grant the Stormwater Management Permit for 48 Sheep Pasture Road.
Roll Call Vote:
Mrs. Terry, yes         Mr. Doherty, yes        Mr. Utzinger, yes       Mr. Sutton, yes         Mr. Phelps, yes
The motion passed unanimously.
8:50 pm
A MOTION was made by Mr. Utzinger and seconded by Mr. Doherty to approve the minutes of April 18, 2017. The motion passed unanimously.
Being no further business to be brought before the Board, A MOTION was made by Mr. Sutton, SECONDED by Mr. Phelps to adjourn at 8:55 pm  The motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Preston
Planning Board Administrative Assistant