LEPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Mr. Karl Stinehart, LEPC Chairman opened the meeting at 0930 hours with an introduction of all present after noting a quorum represented.


I. Acceptance of January 28, 2016 Meeting Minutes:


Mr. Karl Stinehart entertained a motion for acceptance of the January 28, 2016 meeting minutes as presented with a motion made by Denis Clark and seconded by Brian Houlihan with all voting in favor.


II. New Business: Solitude Lake Management
RE: Congamond Lakes Overview of Treatment, Types/Amounts of Chemicals Used, Method of Application, How Secured, and Transported.


Senior Biologist-Territory Leader Michael Lennon of Solitude Lake Management presented on how the Congamond Lakes are chemically treated for invasive aggressive infestation species of  Milfoil, algae, mollusks, and other undesirable nuisance plant growth. Lake area coverage consists of an average of 10 to 60 acres with a horseshoe subsurface treatment of approximately one gallon per acre. The chemicals used are powdered copper sulfate and if needed alum sulfate that are transported in 2 ½ gallon plastic containers. During operations an onsite spill kit, oil boom, and mask and personal protection is used and or available as a safety precaution.


During his presentation Mr. Lennon covered licensing requirements, training, and his experience relating to aquatic herbicide application. Different invasive species were described as to various locations and severity relating to Southwick’s Congamond Lakes. Covered were also the need to notify the public on non uses during the application process. The EPA is the overseeing agency, and assistance is also given by the Lake Management Committee and Citizen’s Restoring Congamond who are also the local entities assisting to give invasive species awareness in keeping our Congamond Lakes available for public uses.     


III. Old Business:
There was no old business to report, No report from the subcommittees for this meeting.


III. Other Business:


Bruce Augusti presented a short history and the mission of local LEPC’s. It is noted during a discussion the change of MSDS chemical sheets becoming global and in a redesigned format with more chemical property information increasing to 4 to 12 pages.


IV. Adjournment:


Chairman Karl Stinehart entertained a motion for meeting adjournment. A motion to adjourn was made by Doug Moglin, seconded by Cindy Sullivan with all voting in favor. Chairman Karl Stinehart stated the next LEPC meeting would be at 0930 hours May 26, 2016 in the EOC. Meeting adjourned at 1040 hours.


Respectfully submitted,
Charles H. Dunlap
LEPC Secretary / Emergency Management Director