BOA Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, May 23, 2016
Attendees:  Paul Grégoire, Chris Mastroianni, Thomas Stapleton and William Lis


Absent:  David Methe


7:05 PM   Meeting opened and the Board reviewed and signed an advertising bill.  The Board also updated contact information requested by the Town.  


7:15 PM  24 Veteran Street


The Chairman read the hearing notice.  Mr. Richard Graveline presented his plan to construct a garage on the property.  Mr. Graveline expressed the need for a garage to assist with his health issues of climbing the slope of his property to retrieve lawn equipment and snow blower.  If he constructs a garage, he will have space to store the equipment and provide covered vehicle access.  Mr. Stapleton asked where the garage will be located and Mr. Graveline indicated the location on the plan and advised that he has 20 foot arborvitaes along his property line that abuts the neighboring property.  He also stated his garage will be the furthest garage from the road of all the neighboring properties.  Mr. Lis asked if the deed reflects his combined property lots and was advised that it did.  Mr. Stapleton asked the size of the garage and Mr. Graveline indicated that it would be 35 X 40 with a carport.  Mr. Grégoire stated that the garage will be located 45 feet from the street and the law says you can’t go beyond the home therefore, the garage would need to be reduced in size by 5 feet.  


Mr. Stapleton made a motion to approve a front setback variance of 25 feet, a lot size variance of 21,700 sq. ft. and a frontage variance of 35 feet.  Mr. Lis second the motion and it passed unanimously.


7:50 PM  The Chairman advised the group of additional information received regarding Two States Avenue that may require review from the Board.


7: 57 PM  Mr. Stapleton made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Lis second, all were in favor and the meeting was closed


Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Grégoire